White Natural Cotton Flex Rods - The Humble Co.
The Humble Cotton-Tipped Swab is a must-have personal hygiene item for every home.
It helps clean the ears and has gained other uses in its almost one hundred years of existence.
With so much creativity from people, cotton swabs have become useful for makeup, cleaning, saving space in your bag, among other purposes.
Replaces makeup brushes. Leaves makeup eyeliner looking perfect. Prevents lipstick smudges. Helps to stick false eyelashes. Helps to blend eyeliner. Cleans computer keyboards and closet spaces. Apply creams or ointments to the skin. Removes smudges from nail polish. Restores worn leather on shoes.
There are many uses for flexible rods in your daily life! So always have your favorite flexible rod on hand and discover new uses for this versatile item in your home! It's even better when it's eco-friendly.